
Newfire Shares AI Expertise at This Year’s DHIS

AI / ML Company News
Newfire Shares AI Expertise at This Year’s DHIS

We were delighted to play an active role in this year’s Digital Health Innovation Summit (DHIS East), a well-known conference held annually in Boston, MA. 

Newfire was proud to serve as this year’s strategic sponsor and exclusive host of the Closing Reception. Our CEO, Stephen S. Hau, also held a collaborative discussion on a topic that’s currently on everyone’s mind: generative AI.

This year’s summit tackled some very timely industry issues and covered emerging technologies that are shaking up our industry. Visitors gained valuable insights on topics like direct-to-consumer healthcare, underserved populations, important regulatory or policy changes, distributed vs. centralized care, women’s health, IaaS, and IoT in healthcare.

Is Generative AI the Way Forward for Digital Health?

Steve’s entire career has been focused on bringing technological innovation to healthcare. As an MIT-trained engineer and CEO of an IT company, he has also spent years researching and developing AI-assisted tools.

Steve speaking at DHIS conference

Steve’s session demystified generative AI for a non-technical audience and provided an overview of the ethical, legal, and security concerns associated with it. Innovators and investors attending the talk were also treated to a focused discussion on possible applications of this technology in digital health, as well as some practical guidelines for adopting responsible AI practices.

If you want to know more, you can download Stephen S. Hau’s presentation on responsible use of generative AI below.

A Chance to Mingle and Exchange Ideas

Open discussion and a free exchange of ideas are the best way forward for any field, digital health included. Events like DHIS always present great opportunities for innovators in our field to mingle, discuss important issues, and brainstorm new projects that will shape medical care in the future.


We can’t wait for next year’s summit and new opportunities to develop lasting partnerships. And what about you? Do you have a tech project in mind but just don’t have the IT expertise or the human resources needed to get it off the ground? Get in touch and find out how we can help you.

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